Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm Having a Mary Tyler Moment

I've arrived. The ride down was at once effortless (Henley was a dream) and excruciating (what usually takes 6 hours took 9). There were tears. Saying goodbye to my dad nearly slayed me. I missed a toll. This side of Milwaukee, the weather was complete crap, making for some white-knuckle freeway driving. Eventually traffic slowed to a crawl. My phone battery was on its last limb. My back started to talk to me from sitting for so long. I scooted 1.5 miles in just under 2 hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic. 

Source - sold out but I'm going to try to track it down
I swung by my friend Kelsey's place to grab my key and fought my way through three-way intersections with flashing red lights. I was just crabby enough to get a little aggressive. Luckily there was a parking spot right in front of my apartment. I scrambled to get a few bins into the place in the dark, hopeful that I'd be able to find a complete outfit for my early-morning meeting with HR.

I put a few items away, checked the place out, locked the doors (hey, family, chill out), updated my people on my arrival and hit the sack--completely spent and irritated. 

But everything looked a little bit brighter this morning. My apartment is really nice--and big! Henley is adjusting well, despite barking at every noise, and lingering on my heels. I've relaxed a bit, and I'm looking forward to seeing friends tonight.

As I was walking around today, gathering grocery staples, opening up bank accounts, having keys made, taking care of business, I had a little Mary Tyler Moore moment. I felt grateful, happy, and satisfied. I didn't toss my hat in the air, per se, but I completely understood the sentiment.

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